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Gold Line Press

Ronnie Spector in Rock Gomorrah traces the allure of “black” music in the white mind and the costs of being held in such a place.



You have to understand, you can’t stop George Hughes. Talk to someone who knows him, and you’ll start to get it, even secondhand. Tell someone you’re going to speak to him, and they’re excited for you.

Hughes’s paintings have that energy too. He hurls himself at the canvas as a proxy for the immovable forces in our world — the colonial system of things, the ever-growing power of the commodity in our imaginations, the red fact of violence — piling innumerable efforts at the feet of these mountains. And you see them quiver.



If we are all either dupes or patriots in the eyes of the FBI, then Hayden would become one of its biggest dupes.

Full Stop

“Have dreadful fears of running out of good paper: Sphinx Esquire Bond, 20 lb., is the kind I use.” 



“I did not come to kill anyone; I came to die for Puerto Rico.” 


The Comics Journal

What kinds of erasure of will, desire, erasure of even a sense of one’s body being one’s own, were just routine for women in the 19th century? 


Full Stop

The Beatles in some way offered themselves to be viewed, to be ogled and admired, to be lusted after. To frame it even in this way, however, is to give so much precedence to the object.


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At a time when history-altering acts take on an almost mundane insignificance, comics artist Kevin Huizenga’s THE RIVER AT NIGHT makes thought, banal and half-remembered quotidian thought, a moving drama of consciousness.


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“Wiggle much?” Probably not as much as I should.


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One wonders what kind of blood-curdling monster story might have come out of CLTR VLTR.

© 2020 M. Delmonico Connolly

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